Robert Finger

Robert Finger

Professor of Agricultural Economics and Policy The Chair of the World Food System Center

ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Robert Finger paper published in the congress special issue of ERAE

The research of Robert Finger and his team is highly interdisciplinary and at the interface of agricultural sciences and economics and contributes to more resilient and sustainable agricultural and food systems. Their research mainly focusses on farm-level decisions and their interrelation with the environment, markets, societies, and policies, especially related to European agriculture. Focal thematic areas are the economics and policy of critical agricultural inputs (e.g. pesticides, fertilizer), the digitalization of agriculture as well as the management of climate risks in agriculture. Robert Finger serves as editor and editorial board member of several agricultural economic and interdisciplinary journals, e.g. AJAE, ERAE, JAAEA, QOpen and Agricultural Systems. Robert Finger and his team are strongly engaged in outreach and science communication. For example, they established a blog on agricultural policy that synthesizes academic papers into non-​technical blog posts in German or French targeting at non-​academic stakeholders (https://agrarpolitik-​ In 2021, Robert Finger was listed by the newspaper NZZ among the most influential economists in Switzerland.